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7220 E Wilshire Dr, Scottsdale, Arizona 85257, U.S.A. 480 941-9849

Through your donations, we were able to secure over 540 pairs of high quality Yacht and Smith brand new socks and donate them to help homeless veterans give some comfort to those beaten feet. In addition, members and auxiliary of VFW post 3513 have donated 22 slightly used blankets, 100+ shirts, and additional cold weather gear to help the homeless through the colder months. Over all a very successful donation drive and we at the VFW Post 3513 offer our sincerest gratitude for your participation.
To help combat homelessness and to give veterans a helping hand when needed, please continue to support organizations such as the Mana House or similar organizations.
The two winners of the Wine Basket Drawing were Sarah R. and Sonja K. Congratulations and Thank You for your support.

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